Welc0me to my Blogiiee.... Thanks for coming...

Monday, January 5, 2009


女生的心很脆弱 ~~~
常因為你的小體貼而感動,如果你一直對我好 我 可能就會喜歡你
所以我不輕易說出口~~~ 假如期望落空了,傷心難過很不好受
女生的心很倔強 ~~~
或許我們就這樣錯過... 再來後悔為何當初不說......
男生的愛很不容易說出口 ~~~
男生的心很懦弱 ~~~
就會後悔當初為何不乖乖沉靜在那片刻的幸福中 .....


他無悔的付出,都認為是值得的,只要能和相愛的人在一起 ...
其實我們的身邊都有一些這樣的人,只是我們還沒發現 ...
最懂你的人,總是會一直的在你身邊守護你,不讓你有一絲的委屈 ...
真正愛你的人,不會說許多愛你的話卻會做許多愛你的事 ...
如果你身邊有這樣的人的話,請你好好珍惜 ...........

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I should have post this last year, but I didnt have time for this.... So I post it now.

I am going to talk about my 18th Birthday. It was an unforgetable and memorable Birthday for me, although i have my family and friends celebrate my birthday every years. It was really really a Special one. I got wishes from my family, friends and housemates. Thankyou very much for all you wishes... I will remenber it forever in my minds. I cant express my feeling through words....

Myabe I should share with you by show you the photos...

** This Is My 18th Birthday Cake from My DEAREST Housemates**

**Food That They Prepare for The BBQ Party, yummmy Food.. Yumyum>.< **

**I Was Making Wish For My 18th Birthday **

**Photo With Blueberry Cake That Full With Candles!!! 18 Candles man.... God **

**Nice Cake?? **

** House No.19 Culture - Birthday girl or boy must not use hand to pick up the candles.
For sure there were no exception for me... I was prepare to pick up the candles by my mouth**

**Ngee Was Picking Candles... All Together 18 Candles... 19 Guys and Gal, I love You For Being so Caring... Gave me 18 candles. **

**I Kena Cream!!! So Sweet and Sticky **

** The Two Tall Man In 19 and Me... (Love shape??) **

** Soon, ME and Kin (ELS Friends)** p/s Thanks very much for Coming to Celebrate My Birthday.

**CK and Ngee**

**Hohoho... Who is This?? Ngee and Jojo(ELS Friend) p/s: Thanks for Celebrate my Birthday. Muackss <3<3

** Shangee(Tall Man) n Me **

** How Fortune I am?? Mummy and Siew Wan Gave me KISSES leh^^ **

** Ngee N Siew Wan **

** Ashley ; Esther ; Jojo **

** No.19 Leng Lui^^ Abby Mummy, Daughter Esther, Siew Wan and Ashley**

**Abby Mummy, Daughter Esther, King Daddy** Look at King, He wants to eat the Cake edi, Cant wait anymore?? hahaha...XD

** This surpose to be our 19 Family Photo geh, But suddenly Nicholas appeared beside Jaz...**

Next coming up are some presents that given by all of them....

** "Ai Xin" Breakfast From my Dear...**
**100 colourful "LOVES" From Dear as well**

** A DIY Present from Shangee(Tall Man) **

** Purple Crytral From Abdullah(Bobo) my ELS friend.**

** A Huge Birthday Card & Purple Pink Lovely Bed Sheets from Jojo; Soon; Kin; BoonBoon & KaChun **

** M&M Chocolate from Nicholas**
He Gave me some Phase somemore... so called "PMS Prescription"
>> To Temporarily Calm Your Craving For Chocolate, Eat the Brown One. At The First Sign Of "Hot Flashes" Eat The Red One. Eat The Orange One To Minimize Depression. The Green One Calms Your Frustration, When You Want To Be Left Alone.If You Feel A Headache Corning On, Eat The Yellow One. The Blue one Reduces Bloating.
DIRECTION : Take As Needed, If All Symptoms Occurs At The Same Time, Eat The Whole Bag.
Warning : May Cause Weight Gain!!!

Last But Not Least, I would Like To Say ThankYou Very Much For Friends Who Celebrate with Me and Who sent Their Wishes For Me... Love You All.. <3<3

Happy New Year!!!!!!! 01-01-2009

Happy New Year to all my friends.... Welcome to 2009!!!!
I'm sorry because didnt update my blog for million million YEARRSS....
I will update soon.... I promise!!!! ^^
erm... 2009 Do you have any wish??
my wishes f0r 2009 are :
(p/s look like i have a lot wishes orhx....)

1. I wish my gang and I could do the best perform on 11th Jan for my dance performance.
2. I can do my best for my study
3. "OUR" realationship will become better and last...
4. People around me HAPPY always and no problems surround them...
5. For sure.... all BAD things shoo away from me and all good things come near me...

Have a good and nice 2009.... ^^