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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

♥ 個 人 題

01 你叫什么 :Yap Seng Ngee
02你的綽號 :Ngee ~@~ Esther ~@~ Sidney ~@~
03你的血型 :this I also not sure.. as I have no chance to donate blood... T_T
04 你的星座 :Sagittarius
05 你是男還是女 :Female
06 你幾歲 : 19
07 你住哪裡 :Seksyen 17,PJ(currently) Tanjong Malim(H0me Town)
08 你現在的學校 :UTAR
09 你有沒有手機 : Sure.... Got !!!
10 承上,那是多少 : ??? What is That??????? ?_?

♥ 朋 友 題

11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): I will never Blame to have more than one Best Friend
12 你最討厭的人(限1個): aiyoyo... I'm lazy to hate people la... but someone come to my mind when read this question.... teng.. teng.. teng... Steven!!!!!!!! Not to say HATE just beh song he la...

♥ 情 題

21 你有沒有喜欢的人: Y0u say leh???
24 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:erm... I think no gua, But i always say "i love you" de wor... consider ornot???
25 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:errrr.... I never count o...
26 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友:Hohohoho~~~ I think you also know la....
27 現在有另一半吗: err..... hehe.. Got
28 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你会怎样: she's just fooling me... dont take it so serious..
29 你初恋情人突然跟你告白你会接受吗 : ermm.. Hard to say o.. see someone treat me good or not lor....
30 你为什么会喜欢你現在喜欢的人: Caring and 38 enough... [for the 38, i'm just kidding]
31 你和另一半牵手过吗: Oh...... Let me think... Ei.. why the person who ask this question so Cute de???
32 你和另一半抱或亲过吗: Dont want let u know, let u guesss.... nenenene
33 你跟异性牵手过吗: ya...
34 是谁,你们什么关系:can keep as secret??
35 现在有人在追你吗: errr... I nt sure... I think no gua.. no body want me de la... wuwuw T_T

♥ 混 合 題

36 如果有天,好朋友离你而去,你会: I think i will cry till sky also fall
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你会 : One word.... -------------------------------> ANGRY
38 如果有天,好朋友对你喜新厌旧,你会: I dont care much about this le... cause true friend will not treat me this way..
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你会離家出走吗: aiyo... 3 years old meh??
40 你上课認真吗 : based on my mood..
41 你功課好不好:"cha dao mei ren you"
42 你开电脑都在干嘛 :msn, facebook, assignment, check mail and blog(when free)
43 你的即时通有多少个同性: errrmmmm... i think the number will less than guy lor....
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:I never count and will not count also...

♥ 兇 手 題

45 传給你这份问卷的人是谁: E-ting
46 这個人對你好不好: not bad, although never officially meet up .
47 這個人是你的誰: friend's gf / mui
48 你有喜欢过這個人吗: eiiii..... i'm not lesbian
49 你们认识多久了:Almost 1 year

50 這個人是怎样的人:38 de la....
51 这个人正/帥吗: u say leh?????
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: nononononono
53 万一你喜欢這個人,你会怎么办: if got this prosibility, only i think what should i do...

♥ 聯 想 題

56 說到正妹你会想到谁: miin.. she always praise herself so leng de..
57 說到帥哥你会想到谁: my daddy a....
58 說到憨你会想到谁:??
59 說到痴你会想到谁: me lorrr......
60 說到暗恋你会想到谁: some secondary friends
61 說到出去玩你会想到谁: some friend
62 說到聪明鬼你会想到谁:eeeeerrrrrrrrrr.....
63 說到傻子你会想到谁: ME
64 說到笑点低你会想到谁: myself
65 說到愛笑你会想到谁: cheng yee

♥ 學 校 題

66 你的班导是谁: wowo.... I also dont no who ooo......
67 你的座位是第几排第几个: everyday not same
68 你最喜欢的老師是谁: ms L0w..
70 你的英文好吗 : ok ok lurr..
71 你的体育好吗: ok ko lorr..~
72 你的数学好么: so so lurrr....
73 你喜不喜欢你的校长: never eet he also
74 你的学校好看吗: Like sh*t
75 你的班級是: ??? I have no a...
76 你的班級在几楼: ground floorrrrr...


some of the question so 38 lor..Beh tahan liao....


~ dear

~ jiin


~Joo Darling

~yew kwang









被点到了COPY 题目到你的BLOG慢慢填吧~


Qing Qing said...

到目前為止,你被多少人告白過... lol~ this question ar~~ 10 fingers also not enough if want to count.. hahaha XD

Anonymous said...

i saw my name inside~~!


Anonymous said...

suddenly saw...ur class mai TB1 lor~haha!

sngeeyap2690 said...

~~ Qing.. dont say like this.. I shame shame one... shhh...

~~ Pek, I trust YOU!!! aiyorr...sometime i really cant understand the chinese question.